Via Reuters, it looks like the Clinton push to suppress voter turnout has failed.
At this point, it really feels like Clinton is pushing the race button along with the voter suppression lawsuit in hopes of baiting a response from the various minority groups. This could fuel a backlash amongst white Dem voters. This backlash may give her an overall victory because of the power of the Dem base (a classic Rove tactic), but could really fuel disgust among blacks and possibly Hispanics (although she tends to do very well with the Hispanic population). A pyrrhic victory won in this manner could really impact the general election depending on who the GOP nominee is.
So, yet another reason why we need to reject the restoration of the Clinton family and inject some new blood into Washington. Obama may (or may not) be able to change the political landscape, but to my mind he's the most likely to do something. Electing anyone else will only perpetuate the sickness in our political system.
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