The Clinton campaign really does seem to have no limit to their shamelessness. Their lust for power is shocking. After 8 years of Bush, it's really hard to feel shocked but somehow this couple manages to do it.
It's been all over the 'sphere that the Clintons have started hinting that they would work to seat the Michigan and Florida delegates at the convention. Remember, both states were punished by the DNC (and all candidates signed an agreement to abide by the decision) for moving up their respective primary dates. The punishment was to strip both states of their delegates and the candidates agreed not to campaign in those states. Well, almost all of the candidates. Hillary apparently signed the agreement then decided to put her name on the Michigan ballot anyways, guaranteeing her a win there. Most assumed it was a symbolic victory, although I'm not sure what kind of symbol it sends when you win a state as the only candidate running. Oh well. Recent polls also show Clinton ahead in Florida.
I have always sympathized with Democratic values (although I've never actually been a registered Dem), but with the ways things are going now I can't see myself supporting a Clinton campaign. At this point, I feel it's a moral imperative that she not be allowed to win an election this way. If that means supporting a Republican candidate then so be it. I would rather hold my nose and vote for a Huckabee or a Romney then give the office to this morally bankrupt, shrill power grabber.
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