Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mail-in Primary Not Looking Good

I mentioned this before, but the link above restates some of the difficulties with running a mail-in primary. One aspect I overlooked was the possibility of minority groups being disenfranchised. Not to mention the Limbaugh effect - certain to be an even bigger problem when any Republican (who didn't vote in the original GOP primary) can switch party affiliations and vote by simply checking a box and dropping a letter in the mailbox.

Look, coming up with an efficient and fair mechanism to allow millions of people a chance to vote is an inherently complex affair. The sheer logistics of a statewide primary under the best of circumstances is mind-boggling (at least to my simple brain). Jury rigging a statewide mail-in primary to slip past the June 10 deadline with the fate of the Democratic nominee at stake is insane. Frankly, it's the Florida state party acting irresponsibly again.