- Fannie and Freddie meltdown? check.
- Afghanistan falling apart? Check.
- potential power scramble for North Korean leadership and control of nuclear arsenal? Check.
- new leadership in Pakistan, Special Forces actually operating in Pakistan? Check.
- Global energy and food crisis? Check.
McCain's new ad? Sex education for kindergarten.
McCain's attack? "Lipstick on a pig" is sexist. "stinky fish" is sexist.
Palin? "Let's make fun of community organizers! Those guys are gay!"
You cannot make this shit up. These are serious times, and this asshole (representing half of the American electorate) is bringing absolutely NOTHING to the table. No issues, no plans, just incredibly banal and vicious attacks with the sole purpose of dividing this country and picking up 50.1% of the pieces. This is not a serious candidate. I swear, this man would rather lose his honor and self-respect than lose a campaign.
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